Rotary Means Business encourages your comments and user-generated content. RMB, however, expects that participants treat each other with respect. Failure to follow RMB’s user-generated content terms and conditions of use* could lead to comments being removed or the poster/writer of the comments being removed or blocked from the online group, channel, or page.

A comment should not:

  • Use inappropriate or offensive language
  • Include an attack or disparaging remark
  • Be unrelated to the original story or thread of conversation
  • Be excessively long
  • Make accusations

When posting a comment or when a participant grants RMB permission to display user content — such as audio, video, or photos — it is the participants/user’s responsibility to assure that the work is original and does not violate another’s rights, including copyright, trademark, privacy or publicity rights. RMB will remove any user content at the request of a copyright or trademark owner.

Furthermore, by posting content or granting RMB permission to use content, a participant is giving RMB the right to display such content on this website and in affiliated RMB publications and to distribute and use such content for promotional and marketing purposes.

The RMB website may contain links to third party websites that are not owned or controlled by RMB. RMB has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party websites. Participant’s use of any third-party website is at her/his own risk.

Rotary Means Business reserves the right to modify this policy at any time.

Jurisdiction will be Santa Rosa, California USA for all the sections mentioned here under:

  1. Any suit or proceedings initiated by the RMBF or against its subsidiaries and / or branches worldwide,
  2. Any claim made against the RMBF or by the RMBF including its branches over India and worldwide,
  3. Any application made as complaint to and for RMBF
  4. Any scheme proposed or submitted by members
  5. Matters relating to membership, assets, business, actions, rights, entitlements, privileges, benefits, duties, responsibilities, obligations or in any matter arising out of, or in relation to RMBF.

Apart from the jurisdiction mentioned above RMBF has various other powers to adjudicate matters under RMBF rules which is overall mentioned therein along with the jurisdiction.
All legal matters are subjected to PO Box 95, Santa Rosa, CA, 95402-0095, USA jurisdiction.

This fellowship is not an agency of, or controlled by, Rotary International

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