Our Election Contestants

meet the members


Mark Burcihll


From 2009 to 2013, I chaired a small RMB group in California. Seeing the potential for RMB to provide a membership benefit for Rotarians world-wide I worked closely with Rotary International to create the Rotary Means Business Fellowship in 2013.

I have served as Chair of the RMB Fellowship since its approval, and have tirelessly promoted RMB to this day. I manned the booths at the Rotary International Conventions in Sydney, Atlanta, Toronto and Houston, informing Rotarians world-wide of this new opportunity.

We are truly an international organization with chapters on 6 continents. We recently chartered our 120th local chapter! Yet we have much work ahead of us.

While Asia and the Americas continue to show strong growth, we will need to put more effort into growing RMB in Europe and Africa. As we continue to grow, the Fellowship Board, under my leadership, has modernized and focused on utilizing Rotary values to nurture the Rotary Means Business Fellowship. At my suggestion, the Board adopted a Regional Representation model. This will give local chapters much more direct support, through Directors who live and work in specific regions.

My experience from the beginning of RMB will be valuable. I commit to tirelessly promote the RMB Fellowship as we grow and mature. I would like to remain as an officer of the RMB Fellowship for one more term, which would coincide with the 10th anniversary of Rotary International’s approval of the Rotary Means Business Fellowship. I ask Fellowship members to return me to the Board of Directors for another term, so I can continue the work on bringing RMB to a new level.


Sachin Gururaj

incumbent, Director -- RMB member since 2012 – Bangalore, India

Sachin, an entrepreneur and into multiple businesses, has been a part of the Rotary Means Business since its inception and was a part of the steering committee to get the approval for the Fellowship. Sachin has also worked on the original International Fellowship By-Laws. He developed the First iPhone and Android RMB app which was appreciated by Rotary International and that was the time when Rotary was looking at Software as a tool for communication. He is also currently working on the Newest RMB portal along with his board colleagues and dreams to see a world class portal shortly for the benefit of all Rotarians in the world.

Being part of the RMB board, Sachin has worked towards getting many chapters in India and other countries, coordinating and building committees and guiding the Chapter Leaders to ensure smooth operations. He has extended all support to every chapter whenever required to ensure the chapter's success. Sachin's dream of an international event from RMB did happen through an International Onclave in May 2020 organized by the chapter at his district. He credits the organizing committee for the wonderful success of the Onclave. He also worked on Global RMB Meeting, a very successful one and he is working towards making it an annual event. He has a wish to see RMB in every district of Rotary International and that the meeting happens 7 days a week in any city that one could visit on business/leisure. Sachin's immediate next dream is to ensure having multiple chapters running actively throughout the Asian / African continents in all the Rotary Districts.

He strictly follows the Four Way Test in his business and personal life and is Successful in doing so!! Sachin believes – there is certainly a beginning to all good and an end to all Bad!!!

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